ICU Diary
The website is the base of an informal network for all health care workers who are interested in icu diaries. We offer literature, descriptions and help for implementation. We try to coordinate informations, projects and new studies. And we try to connect people.
The network has been founded in 2012 by Eva Akerman, Carl Bäckman, Ingrid Egerod, Christina Jones, Dirk Knück, Peter Nydahl, and the wonderful, deceased Sissel Storli. There are no financial or commercial conflicts or interests.
If you would like to join the network or just receive the newsletter, please mail to

News: Summaries of new studies
Literature: a list of published studies. You have some missing studies?
Map: a map with contacts. Do you want to join?
Download: Examples and templates for ICU diaries in different languages. You like to contribute some new stuff?
Contact: Just data

We apologize, but offers no advanced help for patients or families. Please contact your local General Practitioner.

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